Greenwich University
Investment and Portfolio Management

Investment and Portfolio Management


Course Type Certificate

Course Fee Rs. 26580

Course Duration8 weeks

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of investment strategies, portfolio management techniques, and the dynamics of financial markets. Whether you're an aspiring financial analyst or a seasoned investor, this course will equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to make informed investment decisions and manage portfolios effectively. We will cover various asset classes, risk management strategies, portfolio construction, and performance evaluation. By the end of this course, you'll be prepared to navigate the complex world of investments with confidence.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates having Matriculation / O-Levels and above are eligible to apply for this course.

Teaching Methodology

A mix of activities including hands on work and practical in individual and group work.

Course Objective

To understand the fundamental principles of investment and portfolio management. To analyze different asset classes and their risk-return characteristics. To develop skills in constructing and managing investment portfolios. To learn various techniques for assessing and managing investment risk. To evaluate portfolio performance using appropriate metrics. To foster the ability to make informed investment decisions based on market analysis.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to: Explain the core concepts of investment and portfolio management. Analyze the risk and return profiles of various asset classes. Construct diversified investment portfolios to achieve specific financial goals. Apply risk management techniques to protect investment portfolios. Evaluate the performance of investment portfolios using various metrics. Make informed investment decisions based on market conditions and financial analysis.

Course Structure

Teacher Name

Teacher Name N/A

Teacher Profile goes here

Course Features

Time Schedule will be announced later
Duration 8 weeks
Level Certificate
Starting Date 22/07/2024